Saturday, December 7, 2013

The 2013 EXCELL AWARDEE LGUs in Western Visayas, Phillipines

The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) have launch the search for the best performing LGUs among the Municipality and City categories annually. This is to motivate LGUs in the exercise for excellence in there local governance. In Western Visayas Region VI, there are sixteen cities who join the search 2013 and the top four (4) cities who were qualified for the Regional Search for Excellence Awards and these are the Cities of San Carlos, Sagay, Bago, and Kabankalan. The awarding of winners were done on December 5, 2013 at 2:pm in the Nature's Village Hotel, Talisay City, Negros Occidental, and the result were as follows;

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Super Typhoon YOLANDA

The super typhoon (Haiyan- International code) Yolanda devastated the Visayas area in the Philippines on October 7 to 8, 2013 where areas of Samar, Leyte, North Negros, Iloilo, Capiz, Antique, and Aklan Provinces heavily affected thereby losing lives, crops, and properties of more than 10,000 inhabitants all throughout.The incident resulted to a complicated life situation, shortage of  foods, environmental pollutions, lose of duelings, human habitation is greatly altered, lost of family members, friends and relatives, to include animals and livelihood projects income sources that causes the down trend of the economy in those affected areas. They needed our concern and assistance to rebuild there lives and regain there direction for future socio-economic development and growth.( see the video below)


The KAHIL-ICAMC is a coastal alliance organization consisting of the three local government units in the southern part of Negros Occidental, Philippines. The three LGUs are the City of Kabankalan, City of Himamaylan, and the Municipality of Ilog Negros Occidental. They form into an alliance due to there conflicting municipal-city waters were territorial water boundaries overlapped each other. This problem was resolved by establishing the common waters under the concept of Integrated Coastal Area Management Council (ICAMC). The three member LGUs as a council agreed upon to adopt a unified fisheries ordinance in order to manage there respective coastal and marine resources effectively by designing there respective Coastal Fisheries Resources Management Plan (CFRMP). One of the most salient features in area management in order to establish order of its resources is to zonify the coastal and marine resources for effective uses of each LGUs. (see coastal map)

Monday, July 29, 2013

16th Charter Day Celebration in 2013

"Kabankalan@ 16: Shining Through the Years"
August 2, 2013 is the charter day of the City of Kabankalan, Negros Occidental, Philippines.
Schedule of activities and programs as follows;
Pre-charter day activities - July 27, 2013 (Saturday)
5:00am - ist Isidro P. Zayco MBT Duathlon (5km run/15km bike/5km run)
          Sponsored: JCI Kabankalan "Bangkal and Molasses" Jaycees, at  City Public Plaza
8am - Ultimate Frisbee Tournament, City Football Field - Ultimate Frisbee Club
          Ist Danding SMB (Sinong Mabilis sa Bakal) Steel Challenge
           Kabankalan Shooters Association
           CPSU College of Criminology Shooting Range, Barangay Camingawan
          6th Mayor Zayco Cup Age Group Sprint Swim Competation at Zaycoland Hotel and
                   Resort Pool.
6:30pm - Awarding Ceremony: PCAG Goodwell Basketball Tournament, K-Center

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Future of Palm Oil Industry

The local palm oil industry has urged the Indonesia government (June 07, 2012) to file a formal complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the Europian Union's (EU) discriminatory renewable energy policy.
The Indonesian Palm Producer's Association (Gapki) executive director Fadhil Hasan said that the government should take the EU renewable energy directive (RED) to the Dispute Settlement Body (DBS) because it was a form of unfair trade practice that restricted access for Indonesian palm oil to the world's largest economic bloc in terms of intra-regional trade.
The 27 EU-member countries aim to generate 20 percent of their total energy from renewable sources, including biofuel, by 2020. What made the Gapki outrage about this renewable energy is the exclusion of palm-oil based biofuel as it fails to meet the threshold of greenhouse gas emission saving required.
Indonesia, a potential key supplier of biofuels to world markets particularly in Europe, stressed that aside from the discriminatory nature of the directive, the calculation of palm oil green house gas emission default values, which disqualified the oil as a biofuel source in the EU, was not strongly scientifically based.
To controvert this premise,EU released a report, though remains under further research, showing emissions from biofuels produced from different resources. It reflects that palm oils 105g of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule of fuel, higher than conventional gasoline with 87.5g CO2e/mj emission.
While Indonesia is up to a more challenging argument against the discriminatory renewable energy policy of EU, the Philippine government is being urge by the Philippine Palm Oil Development Council Inc. (PPDCI) to include oil palm as high yield value crop in the National Greening Program (NGP). PPDCI believes that the time has come for the national government to recognize oil palm farming as a solution to overcome rural poverty.
The good thing about the situation is that establishing palm oil plantation in the Philippines soils will decrease product imports from Malaysia, and it will become independent in supplying its needs when the production became operational.
But even though a treaty anew the two countries' relationship through Philippine-European Union Partnership and Cooperation (PCA), as far as the Philippine is concerned, the local palm oil industry will be affected by the renewable energy policy of EU. Its move could serve as bad precedent for other importing countries, including the Philippines which is a net importer of palm oil and palm kernels from Malaysia. Importers already made similar move. Australian parliament deliberates the bill requiring palm oil products to be explicitly labeled as such last year. The US Environmental Agency excluded palm oil from the US renewable-fuel program as it did not meet greenhouse gas emission standards.
Consequently, over supply of palm oil will occur among the main exporters which will push them to offer their products at a lower price.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Water and Food Security: Glimpses of the Future

The projected population increases require additional food production and further increases per capita food consumption. However, food security does not depend on total food production alone, but rather on access to food that is affordable.
More over, growing competition between agricultural and urban uses of high-quality freshwater supplies, particularly in arid, semi-arid, and densely populated areas, will increase the pressure on existing water resources, and consequently on food production. To meet increasing demand for food and water, there is a need to increase the productivity of water already in use, producing more crops per drop and more value per drop- for food, for jobs, for health, and for the environment. This requires: 1. policy reforms in water management and institutional change - solutions that are not expensive, but tough to achieve; and 2, adoption of innovative technologies - solutions that often require capital investments, which may be beyond the reach of the small farmers, as well as  capacity development. Both solution options require time. Adding another facet to food security is energy security. Some actions taken in response to finding alternative sources of energy, such as the recent expansion of crop production for biofuel, have placed greater demand on valuable water supplies, posing a threat to food security. Food crops now have to compete with energy crops for scarce water.
We also have to consider the environmental impacts of increased food production. Agricultural crops, livestock and fisheries are completely dependent on predictable supply and good quality of fresh or marine water. Approximately 80% percent of all freshwater consumed on the planet is devoted to agricultural production often in irrigation systems that are inefficient and environmentally unsustainable. More land is needed for crops and livestock production, and so more forest and watershed areas have been cleared. Living aquatic resources harvested from both freshwater and marine ecosystems, including aquaculture systems, supply 15-20 percent of the animal protein consumed worldwide. However, the increase in aquatic farms has been accompanied by destruction of mangroves and degradation of coastal aquifers due to over extraction of ground water in many areas. Livestock wastes, agricultural runoff and feeds from aquaculture farms are also affefting the quality of water bodies.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Climate Change and the Global Commons

Garrett Hardin argued in 1968 that users of a commons (e.g., pastures, fishing grounds) are caught in a predictable process that leads to the destruction of the resources on which they depend. The tragedy of the commons' arises when a collectively-owned sustainable resource is wasted through individual overuse and failure to limit their consumption. While no single act of consumption contributes much to the problem, the consequence of all these individual actions is a situation where the commons can no longer sustain overall consumption.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Thirsty Of Water- Springs are Drying Out

You are invited to view this video so that you may know why fresh water is running out? learn from it and do something seriously now. Don't wait for tomorrow of what you can do today, act it now.
The sources of fresh water came from the underground or water table brought out by the pressure of the earth into springs. However, it follows with the principle of the cycle of water. The vegetative earth's cover such as the rain forests, shrubs and other flora species served as sponge that absorb and hold-on rain water that supplies the underground water thru percullation and leching.
The Philippine Initiatives (Western Visayas Region 6)
In Region 6, the Community Based Forest and Mangrove Management Project (CBFMMP) aims to rehabilitate and protect over 5,000 hectares of forestland in partnership with local communities that will participate in managing the forest. The communities will share in the benefits produced by this land, helping them to improve their living conditions.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

City Agriculture Participate in the City Employees Got Talent (August 2, 2011)

During the 14th charter anniversary of the City of Kabankalan, Negros Occidental, Philippines, the challenge was given by the program committee that every department of the Local Government Unit the City of Kabankalan should participate in the contest of the "Got Talent" program. The City Agriculturist Dr. Nemesio Canete being a leader/head of the department organized his men to form a dance team and join dancing with the showdown team at 60 years old with 17 dance members. The trainer was hired for two weeks prior to the date of the presentation. The group member's age is ranging from 26 to 60 years old which made it more

Friday, April 19, 2013

Do You Believe In Marriage?

Marriage is the lifelong partnership of a man and a woman - two different individuals who are bound to understand, respect, love, and care fro each other. It is an active relationship in which both partners grow and develop their best qualities as human beings.
Most people start out full of hopes and dreams and are fully committed to making their marriage work. Yet as the reality of living with a less than perfect spouse sets in and the pressure of life builds, many individuals feel less romantic and do not find as much satisfaction in their relationships. All marriages change over time. But with hard work and dedication, people can keep their marriages strong and enjoyable. How is it done? What does it take to create a long-lasting, satisfying marriage?

Parenting the Teenager

Adolescent is a time when teenager want more freedom to "spread their wings." Every parent at this point is confronted with issues as peer pressure, alcohol, smoking, drug use, dating, and pre-marital sex.
During adolescence, teens experience rapid physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. They go through a lot of changes and development. Understanding their development stages and their traits can help parents support them in developing into independent and responsible adults.

Coastal Biodiversity in the East Asian Seas

The East Asian region is teeming with marine biodiversity. The greatest density of mangroves and coasts are in the region along with a multitude of species of seagrass, fish, and other plants and animals, some of them are endemic to the region.
The important role of the region's rich biodiversity to economic prosperity, employment and food security in discussed in great detail in this issue of Tropical Coasts.The region's coastal and marine environments fill a substantial percentage of the world's demand for food, while economic opportunities afforded by coastal and marine environments provide livelihood to more than a billion people in the region living with in 100km of the coast.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Oryza sativa, Linn.(Brown Rice)

What is Brown Rice? Brown Rice is a whole grain cereal produced by removing only the hull or husk using mortar-and pestle or rubber roller (dehuller) milling machine. It is known as brown, unpolished rice. The bran layer that is not removed gives the grain its brown color and retains its high levels of soluble fiber, antioxidants, and other vitamins and minerals. When the bran is removed, it becomes well-milled or white rice.
Nutritional and Health Aspects. Brown rice is considered to be a lost health food. The past decade has been a boost in brown rice research revealing more of its nutritional characteristics and reviving interest in promoting it as main staple. Accordingly, brown rice is superior to milled rice in terms of protein, fat, B vitamins, dietary fiber, vitamin E, minerals, and antioxidants.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bridging Science, policy and actions to address climate change

The available options to address climate change are: mitigation to reduce further emissions and rehabilitate ecosystems; adaptation to reduce the damage  caused by warming and increase resiliency in the face of related hazardous events; and geoengineering or climate engineering to reverse global warming (e.g.ocean iron fertilization). Within this options are tools ranging from science-based (modelling, monitoring, vulnerability mapping, comprehensive risk assessment, economic valuation, etc.) to community based (information, education, communication or IEC campaign, participatory planning, risk communication, livelihood programs, etc.). Capacity development, knowledge management, technology exchange, and financing are also necessary to equip coastal communities to implement adaptation measures and implement and monitor appropriate mitigation measures.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Mental and Emotional Health

Parents of the 21st century often worry that a lot of old-fashioned convictions are lost and they are uncertain of the kind of morals, ambitions, and character the children will be having and the kind of world that awaits them as adults. Healthy mental and emotional development of children is an important goal of parenting. Parents should note that it is the first two to three years of life that children's personalities are being most actively molded by the attitudes of the parents or of the others who provided most the care of the baby. A baby who is cared for mainly by loving, enthusiastic parents, perhaps with the help of others, surges ahead. Parents should give their children their visible love, pride, and joy, even in tiny accomplishments, to foster emotional depth and keen intelligence.

Responsible Parenting

Responsible parenting is important for today's parents, parents-to-be, surrogate parents and youths who may soon become parents themselves. Being a parent covers with it great responsibility. It is a role that cannot be played on the basis of chance.Raising a family builds up the character of the parents and fulfill their need to have children and develop their love for them and to share and plan life together. Parenting involves skills, responsibilities, and experiences in attending to and providing for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of children. It also involves the inculcation of values and discipline. Many parents do not know how they score in the Parenting Scale. While specific techniques for child-raising will come, go, and change, there are certain core values and fundamental practices that won't change.Parenting brings many tensions, strains, and wear-and-tear but we must have the right heart-attitude toward our role as parents. We have to be wise and Godly parents, carrying the duty and responsibility before God, because parenting is an overwhelming, life-consuming, life-long priority. Nothing is more humbling than being a parent. It must encompass all aspects meeting the emotional, psychological, material and physical needs of the children. Good parenting does not come overnight. It is a long and fruitful process.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Global Warming and Climate Change

Global warming and climate change are the most pressing threats that mankind is facing today. It is a serious threats to both national and international survival. Hence, times call for total mobilization of all sectors in order to mitigate the tipping point warned by scientists. We can all help fight climate change through simple way by doing day-to-day activities such as the following; 1. Manage Garbage. Practice proper waste management through segregation and composting so that garbage will not be left to rot because when garbage decomposes, it produces methane, a lethal greenhouse gas that is 20 times more point than carbon dioxide. Use cloth bags and don't burn plastics. 2. Grow Trees. Trees need carbon dioxide to survive so the more trees we plant and grow the more carbon dioxide is absorbed. It also protect us from floods because the roots are like sponges that draw in rainwater. 3. Conserve Energy. In our homes, schools,offices,shops,stores, malls and processing plants by

Friday, March 29, 2013

Laughter is the Best Medicine

If someone tells you, "I will love you with an everlasting love.... I'll never leave you. Above everything you're the only one..." Just answer back, Naks! I love the way you lie!"

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Women Month's Celebration

The month of March is declared as the month for women. This is to honor women and give commendation for there achievements in the society as partner not only for men but in the total development in the socio-economic and in the business world. The protection against women should prevail in all harm and abuses, help and support in uplifting their moral and dignity as a human being, and further enhance their capabilities in terms of leadership,skills and knowledge not only in mothering abilities, but also of building up the best family in the world.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Oxygen Depletion is an Environmental Issue

It is quite alarming situation that we are buying bottled filtered water for a drink to get rid of water borne diseases for health sake, because our water table is observe to have been contaminated and fresh water are depleting. Why? In like manner in the near future we will be buying oxygen for our daily consumption.Is this possibility will most likely to happen? Can we do something about it not to occur? 

Earth Hour

Let us help protect our mother earth. It is a common knowledge that without air and water there is no life, no living creatures, no plants, and no micro or macro organisms exists. An Earth Hour is an action towards individual consciousness in conserving energy of putting out the lights and power for one hour in the whole world in a synchronous time schedule. Can you think and imagine the significance of your contributions in saving the mother earth? Wow it is gigantic, so, join on this activity. Hence there are many more......

Poverty Alleviation Initiatives

The poverty is an international or global phenomena brought about by the various facilitating factors such as increase in population by migration and immigration, unemployment, reduction of food production areas like lands converted to other uses, financial crises, climate change, leadership paradigm shifts, peace and order situation, natural and man made calamities, war, and social problems.What future and the kind of life is awaiting for the younger and the incoming generations will be? Can there be a solution of this scenario?

Center of Environment Initiative Forum

The Center of Environment Initiative (CEI) Forum was organized by the various sectors lead by the Provincial Environment Office (PEMO) in the Province of Negros Occidental as the venue in resolving issues and concerns directly or indirectly related to environment.The CEI meets every quarter in the designated place, date, and time set by the secretariate PEMO.Sensitive issues on environmental concern are brought to the CEI attention for a resolution to the benefit of the general public to include mining, wastes management issues, illegal forest resources utilization, mineral extractions, and others. Current updates will be published in this blog regularly.

Negros Occidental PANAAD celebration

The Province of Negros Occidental is annually celebrating the Organic Product Show case participated by the 32 local government units of the province.The schedule of the week long celebration starts on April 8 until 14, 0f 2013. The final schedule are as follows: >Pre-Panaad Activites: Search for Lin-ay sang Negros April 6 Press Presentation and Skills Competition (Robinson's Place Bacolod City) April 7 Festival Costume Parade and Mall Fashion Show (Robinson's Place Bacolod City) April 5-7 Convention of the National Federation of Motorcycle Clubs-Philippines April 6-8 Annual Derby/Panaad Bulang (Panaad Covered Court) Day 1. Monday April 8, 2013 6:00a.m. Hataw sa Panaad with Ching's Group (Panaad Football Field) Mambucal Team Relay 8:00a.m. Panaad Thanks Giving Mass (2F Panaad Stadium) 9:00a.m. Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies for: Panaad Tourism, Agri-Trade Fair and Exhibits @ LGU Pavilions* Organic ns Negros Agri-fest (GF Panaad Stadium, North Wing)* Slow Food Convivium - NISARD,ONOPRA,NCF (Panaad LGU Pavilion Grounds)* Livestock and Dairy Progucts Fair (North area across Escalante-Toboso Pavilions)* Eco-Garden Show (South area across Candoni Pavilion)* Solid Waste Management Advocacy (PEMO Area)* *Daily Activities 2:00p.m. Motorcade Floats Parade (Provincial Capitol to Panaad Park) Championship of Annual Derby/Panaa Bulang (Panaad Covered Court) 4:00pm Opening Ceremony and Recognition od Panaad Festival Founders (Panaad Stadium) Festival Dances Competition (Panaad Stadium) Fireworks Display 8:00p.m. GMA "Kapuso" Show with Julie Anne San Jose, Derrick Monasterio,etc. (Panaad Stadium) Day 2, Tuesday April 9, 2013 6:00a.m. Hataw sa Panaad w/ Panaad Hot Bodies (Panaad Football Field) 8:30a.m. Athletics (Panaad Field) The Great Titan Lifesaving Sports Festival (Panaad Swimming Complex) Chess (Stadium VIP Room) 9:00a.m. Organic Agriculture Forum (up to 12:nn, Media Center, G/F Panaad Stadium) 10:00a.m. Daily Tourism, Agri-trade Fair and exhibits @ various venues (refer to Day 1) 2:00p.m. Boxing (2nd Level South Wing, Panaad Stadium; Weigh-in 7:30-10a.m.) 5:00p.m. Paindis-indis sa Binalaybay and Rondalia Showcase (Panaad Stadium) 8:00p.m. Balay Taliambong by Teatrokon-Negros (Panaad Park Stage) 9:00p.m. Elohymn Musical Concert (Panaad Stadium) Day 3, Wednesday April 10, 2013 6:00a.m. Hataw sa Panaad w/ Panaad Hot Bodies (Panaad Footbal Field) 7:30a.m. Athletics (Panaad Field) 8:00a.m. The Great Titan Lifesaving Sports Festival (Panaad Swimming Complex) Chess (Panaad Stadium VIP Room) 9;00a.m. Organic Agriculture Forum (up to 12nn., Media Center, G/F Panaad Stadium) 10:00a.m.Daily Tourism, Agri-Trade Fair and Exhibits @ various venues (refer to Day 1) GMA Talent Search (up to 7p.m)- Panaad Stadium and Media Center) 1:00p.m. Teakwondo (2nd Level North Wing, Panaad Stadium, weigh in @ 9-11a.m.) 2:00p.m. Boxing (2nd level south wing, Panaad Stadium, weigh-in 7:30-10a.m.) 3:00p.m. Latin Dance Sport-Adult category (Panaad Park Stage) 7:00p.m. RMN's Panaad Hip Hop Challenge (Panaad Park Stage) 8:00p.m. "Organic Na Negros" Night (Panaad Stadium) Day 4, Thursday, April 11, 2013 6:00a.m. Hataw sa Panaad w/ Panaad Hot Bodies (Panaad Football Field) 3K and 5K Road Race (Panaad Stadium) 7:30a.m. Athletics (Panaad Stadium) 8:00a.m. The Great Titan Lifesaving Sports Festival (Beach Event Venue) TESDA Livelihood Skills Olympics (Panaad Covered Court) Chess (Panaad Stadium VIP Room) Teakwondo (2nd Level North Wing, Panaad Stadium) 9:00a.m. Organic Agriculture Forum (up to 12:nn, Media Center,G/F Panaad Stadium) 10:00a.m. Daily Tourism, Agri-Trade Fair and Exhibits At various venues (refer to Day 1) 2:00p.m. Boxing (2nd Level South Wing, Panaad Stadium:Weigh-in @7:30-10a.m) 3:00p.m. PEMO's Environmental/SWM Activity (Panaad Park Stage) 5:00p.m Philippine Folk Dances Competition ( Panaad Stadium) 8:00p.m. ABS-CBN "M>O>R>" Show (Panaad Park Stage) 9:00p.m. Technical Rehersal, Lin-ay sang Negros Pageant (Panaad Stadium) Day 5, Friday April 12, 2013 6:00a.m. Hataw sa Panaad w/ Panaad Hot Bodie (Panaad Football Field) 9:00a.m. The Great Titan Lifesaving Festival (Panaad Swimming Complex) ABS-CBN's Halad sa Kapamilya (2nd Level Center Panaad Stadium and Park Stage) 9:00a.m. Organic Agriculture Forum (up to 12nn, North Wing, G/F Panaad Stadium) 10:00a.m. Daily Tourism, Agri-Trade Fair and Exhibits @ various venues (refer to Day 1) 2:00p.m. Provincial Capitol Employees Day w/ ABS-CBN's Baranggayan sa Brgy. Kapitolyo. Panaad Covered Court Boxing (2nd Level South Wing, Panaad Stadium; Weigh-in 7:30to 10a.m.) 7:00p.m. Lin-ay sang Negros Pageant w/ Sheena Ortaleza & Aljur Abrenica (Panaad Stadium) Day 6, Saturday April 13, 2013 6:00a.m. Hataw sa Panaad w/ Panaad Hot Bodies (Panaad Football Field) Murcia-Panaad Run 8:00a.m. Visayas CPJ Taekwondo Championships (NOMPAC Gym) 9:00a.m. The Great Titan Lifesaving Sports Festival (On Tour) Farmers Day Celebration and Farmers Forum (Panaad Covered Court) PGNO-uplbaa aNNUAL pANAAD sEMINAR 10:00A.M. dAILY tOURISM, aGRI-TRADE fAIR AND VARIOUS VENUES (REFER TO DAY 1) bOXING (2nd Level south wing, Panaad Stadium-weigh-in @7:30to10a.m. 6:00p.m. Outstading Farmers, Fisherfolk and Livestock Raisers Awards w/ ABS-CBN (Panaad Stadium) 7:00p.m. NPC-KBP Media Night (Panaad Swimming Complex) 8:00p.m. 2GO Travel Show (Panaad Park Stage) 9:00p.m. ABS-CBN.s Kapamilya Fiests Caravan (Panaad Stadium) Day 7, Sunday April 7, 2013 6:00a.m. Hataw sa Panaad w/ Ching's Group (Panaad Football Field) 7:00a.m. NPC-PAWS Dog Show (Covered Court) 10:00a.m. Daily Tourism, Agri-trade Fair and Exhibits @ various venues (refer to day 1) The great titan lifesaving Sports Festival (On Tour) 1:00p.m. Drum and Bugle Competition, Elementary Level (Panaad Football Field) 5:00p.m. Closing Ceremony w/ Awarding and Presentation of Winners (Panaad Stadium) 8:00p.m. Panaad Drumbeating Showcase/Fireworks Display (Panaad Stadium) "Ser Chief Meets Gino" for SSA Alumnae Foundation (CSA-B gym) 9:00p.m. Bacolod Baywalk Bangs Panaad 2013 (Panaad Stadium) -END-

Environment Month Celebration Activities

The month of June is declared as the environment awareness month every year in the Philippines. A series of activities are on line to high light the whole month celebration.It focuses on saving the earth.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Magrove Associates Species and Its Importance.

Mangrove Species and the Utilization:

1. Family Name: Fabaceae
    Scientific Name: Abrus precatorius Linn.
    English Name: Indian or Wild Liquorice
    Local Name: saga, saga saga
    Habitat: Widely distributed at low and medium altitudes in thickets, secondary growth, and coastal areas such as beach scrub and at the margins of mangroves.
    Description: slender, many branched vine that grows  over shrubs and into trees, reaching 5 m long or more, 1.5cm diameter.

    Utilization/Uses: Leaves used as liquorice

    References: Primavera,JH, el al., Beach Forest Species and Mangrove Associates in the Philippines, SEAFDEC aquaculture Department, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines 5021

Monday, March 18, 2013

World Water Day Celebration 2013

The World Water Day Celebration is one of the significant activities worldwide every year celebrated by all concern agencies both Internationally, nationally, and locally. This is to develop the awareness of all people in the whole world in the importance of water in supporting lives from the microorganism, bacteria, fungi, viruses, flora and fauna families, marine lives, ruminant and non ruminant animals, mammals, trees and many others for without water there is no life. Environmental concerns is brought to our attention of protecting the river basin and river systems, springs, or any sources of water by reforesting the ridges in the watershed area. Coastal mangrove protection and conservation shall be of priority concern among fisherfolks of the respective communities in the coastline. Appropriate solid waste management of all waste generators shall abide with the implementing rules and regulations of the pertinent government laws.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Agri-Pinoy rice achievers awardees

The are 10 provinces, 48cities and towns and 12 irrigators' associations in the Philippines have received the 2012 Rice Achievers awards at the Philippine International Convention Center, in Pasay Ciy on March 15,2012.
"For producing more rice that surpassed their targets, attaining a higher average yield per hectare, encouraging more farmers to use quality seeds and employ modern technologies, and allotting more budget for rice related projects." These are the awardees as follows;

Monday, March 11, 2013

Baywatch Kabankalan: How to get there?

The Baywatch Kabankalan city, Negros Occidental, Philippines is 98km South of Bacolod City the capital city of Negros Occidental. From Bacolod it can be reached in two and a half hours by Bus for the commuters and 2 hours by a private vehicle until the mini warf called Bagacay where you have to take the motor boat. From the warf it is 30 minutes boat ride at 60Php vice versa. You have to bring foods, water, and personal belongings and gadgets for bird watching. During low tide is the best time for watching. The ambiance of the place is something that you can experience.
           If you don't have private rides, it is preferred to take a tricycle from the central market of the City of Kabankalan. Just locate the tricycle terminal of Bagacay, Barangay Daan Banua and they will bring you there for 12Php fare until the boat terminal for the Baywatch. It is a tricking trip  to enjoy.

Active Fault lines in the Visayas, Philippines

Active fault lines in the Visayas by Philvoc.Your keen observation is invited on the red lines.

Migratory Birds Flyway

 There are thousands of migratory birds flew from all over the world seeking  places for comfort specially during winter season annually. Hence, the Philippines is one of their routes to spend  by escaping the spill of the winter season to survived. In the Philippines there are selected places of their destinations where food availability is the choice and safety.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Wetland International: Baywatch Kabankalan is One of the stop over places of migratory birds from other countries

Migratory Birds Flyway is Baywatch Kabankalan City

Baywatch Coast of Kabankalan City in Negros Occidental now is one of the migratory birds flyway of the Philippines.There are more than 40 species of birds visiting the site every year where avid bird watchers tourists from all over the Philippines including those coming from other countries had been viewing rare bird species. In the month of February 2013 more than 2,500 pcs viewed.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lists of 2012 RICE ACHEIVERS NATIONAL AWARD in Western Visayas Region 6

The City Agriculture Department ( City Agriculturist Dr. Nemesio C. Canete) of the City of Kabankalan receive an award from the National Government through the Department of Agriculture as one of the six outstanding Local Government Units in Western Visayas Region 6 ( lone LGU Awardee in the Province of Negros Occidental) as the 2012 RICE ACHIEVERS  in the  quest for rice self sufficiency under the food security program. The awarding is on March 14, 2012 at the Philippine International Convention Center, Manila.

Another awards given by the DA to one of the top performer City Agriculture Agricultural Extension Worker Mr. Andy Carampatana of Kabankalan City and the following lists of awardess below who will also receive the award at the PICC, Manila in same date.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

"AA"Abattoir of the City of Kabankalan"

The City of Kabankalan is getting more concern of providing uncontaminated meat by slaughtering livestock in a hygienic means through the adoption of an advance facility to cater the consuming public. The proper meat handling is strictly observe under the supervision of the City Agriculturist's Office executing the mandate of the National Meat Inspection Commission rules and procedures in the operation of the modern "AA" Abattoir facility in the City of Kabankalan. The operation started on March 2012 servicing 60 to 80 heads of swine and 20 heads of large animals daily.

City of Kabankalan

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Vitality Package - El Kape

Your health and energy boosting coffee as all day beverage made from premium coffee beans and combines with the energy boosting Tongkat Ali, Maca, Grape Seed Oil xtract, Saw Palmetto, Rhodiola, Guarana and Enzogenol mixed with Stevia and non-dairy creamer. It is available in the market.

Quality Charcoal of Sugarcane Trash as Alternative fuel

Dr. Nemesio C. Cañete  of the City of Kabankalan have initiated the technology development in the making of Quality Charcoal out of Sugarcane leaves or trashes and other biomass materials abundantly in a huge volume found in the field only wasted after harvest through open burning. The open burning of garbage and other biomass or solid waste is strictly prohibited by our environmental Laws. Because burning of biomass contribute toxic gasses into the air and atmosphere in general.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Food Security and Food Conservation Consciousness

There are two areas of concern to deal with, the level of food security and touching our lives of being conscious of how to conserve the availability of  food  on its optimal utilization in addressing food crises.

Definition .
             Food security- means the availability of food stuffs readily accessible in time of need or when needed such as the staple food like rice and corn, fruits, vegetables, and meat  and meat products;
Food security - it would mean also the accessibility of food stuffs that contain protein, vitamin and mineral sources in the market at affordable prices  to include spices and other ingredients that people can buy, for without these, we are at the state of food crises..
Food security - it also mean producing food stuffs beyond sufficiency level.
Food Conservation Consciousness  - is the level of awareness of food utilization at optimum.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

Palm Oil: Its Production And Uses

Palm oil is the product of processed Palm fruit from the Oil Palm tree. It is scientifically known as Elaeisguineensis .
Palm oil is the product of processed Palm fruit from the Oil Palm tree, scientifically known as Elaeisguineensis . The red or somehow orange-yellowish liquid is produced from Palm fruits of the Oil Palm trees which is one of the major economy crops of the Coastal and forest belt areas of Western Africa. Palm oil constituted the major product that took over the West African Coastal markets after the abolition of slave trade. Barrels were shipped daily from the West African Coast to Britain, Portugal, and America etc where it was used for many industrial purposes. In Nigeria, the Niger Delta Protectorate was code named Oil Rivers Protectorate not because of the crude oil but for the Palm Oil production in the area. In the 18th Century, crude oil was not yet discovered in the area but Palm Oil made the area so popular and attracted European merchants.

OPT Plus Guidelines WHO-CGS (PDF)

This is the new Operation Timbang guidelines of the World Health Organization - Child Growth Standards adopted by the National Nutrition Council of the Philippines as discussed during the Regional Nutrition Council's meeting at EON Centennial Plaza Hotel, Iloilo City on February 7, 2013. This is for the full adoption of 2013 OPT.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bacolaodiat feistival in Bacolod Cityl

The Chinese communities in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental celebrates the Chinese New Year with a week long activities to show case the Chinese culture and tradition. As observe, the province's economy is greatly contributed by these people who resided the island of Negros and do business in all aspects of life.

Negros government scholars plant trees

Bacolod City (14 July) -- Around 600 scholars of the City of Kabankalan and the Provincial Government planted trees in the areas around the Balicaocao Upland Resort, Brgy. Orong recently. 

This is in connection with the "Trees for Life" project, a joint venture of the Province and the City of Kabankalan.
The project required each scholar to plant ten trees as a requirement in their scholarship privilege. Dr. Nemesio Cañete, city agriculturist, said these trees planted should be monitored to ensure growth. In case, a seedling die, the scholar in charge must replace it. There were 6000 tress planted during the activity, said Bernadette Ayala, project coordinator.
A program was held later at the resort with Mayor Pedro P. Zayco, Jr. as one of the speakers. The mayor said this activity will restore the denuded forest in the area and will help avert floods in the city. 

Kabankalan City distributes certified seeds to farmers

Negros Occidental (27 May) -- Certified Seeds were made available to farmers from the different barangays in Kabankalan City recently.
Dr. Nemesio Cañete, city agriculturist, in his message, said that the project is now on its fifth year which aims to attain food sufficiency in the city.
The certified seeds will help increase the rice yield of the farmers by almost 30 percent, Cañete added.
At present, the city has a reserve of 1,007 sacks of certified seeds worth more than P2 - million. 

Farmers from the city only pay for half the price for each sack. The actual cost of a sack (40kg) of certified seed is P1,200.
"In order that more farmers can avail of this program, each farmer is only allowed to buy two sacks good for two hectares of rice field," Cañete said.
Kabankalan City Mayor Pedro Zayco informed the farmers to report immediately any infestation in their rice fields for assistance at the city agriculture office.