Friday, April 19, 2013

Do You Believe In Marriage?

Marriage is the lifelong partnership of a man and a woman - two different individuals who are bound to understand, respect, love, and care fro each other. It is an active relationship in which both partners grow and develop their best qualities as human beings.
Most people start out full of hopes and dreams and are fully committed to making their marriage work. Yet as the reality of living with a less than perfect spouse sets in and the pressure of life builds, many individuals feel less romantic and do not find as much satisfaction in their relationships. All marriages change over time. But with hard work and dedication, people can keep their marriages strong and enjoyable. How is it done? What does it take to create a long-lasting, satisfying marriage?

Husband-Wife Relationship: Consider the positive aspect of your marriage. What are you doing that works well and brings you and your spouse joy and happiness? If you have a satisfying marriage, chances are that your relationship has high levels of positivity, empathy, commitment, acceptance, love, and respect.
The following characteristics are common in successful marriages as follows;
1. Positivity. It mean difference between stable and unstable marriages is the amount of positive thoughts and actions spouses engage in toward each other. Successful spouses have far more positive than negative interactions. If there is too much negativity - criticizing, demanding, holding grudges - the relationship will suffer. On the other hand, if is never any negativity, it probably means that frustrations and grievances are accumulating inside one or both partners. There are many ways to show positivity in a couple's marriage.
2. Show interest. Interest can be signaled by truly listening and being involved is a conversation.
3. Be affectionate. You can show affection in subtle ways through quiet acts of tenderness touching or holding hands or a quick shoulder massage.
4. Show your care. Small acts of thoughtfulness are a powerful way to boost the positivity in a marriage.
5. Be appreciative. Let your spouse know that he or she has done something that pleases you. Acknowledgement helps them feel loved and confident enough to share further expression of love.
6. Show your concern. Express your concern whenever your spouse tells you about something distressing or troubling. Be supportive when your spouse is worried.
7. Fight fair. In a fruitful argument, each spouse explains why he or she is mad while the other one listens with respect. Long-term happy couples tend to argue calmly. Loss of control yelling and sbbing seldom helps solve problems.
8. Have tolerance. The most successful couples acknowledge that many problems are unsolvable and learn to work around them. The ability to forego perfection is vital for a satisfying relationship. A successful couple continually focuses on their relationship's strengths.
9.Empathy. Empathy means understanding a person's perspective by putting oneself in his or his shoes. this is important for a satisfying relationship. Husbands and wives are more content in their relationships when they perceive that their spouses truly understand their thoughts and feelings.
10. Commitment. Booth spouses should be committed to the relationship. when the partners are truly dedicated to making their marriage work, despite the unavoidable challenges and obstacles that come, they are much more likely to have a relationship that lasts. Husbands and wives who only focus on themselves and their own desires are not as likely to find joy and satisfaction in their relationships. However, when spouses are committed to investing in their marriage and are willing to sacrifice some of their own preferences for the good of the relationship, they usually have-quality marriages.
11. Acceptance. Everyone wants to feel valued and respected. When people feel that their spouses truly accept them for whom and what they are, they are usually more secure and confident in their relationships. Often, there is conflict in marriage because partners cannot accept the individual preferences of their spouses and try to demand change from one another. When one person tries to force change from another, he or she is usually met with resistance. Basic acceptance is vital to a happy marriage.
12. Mutual love and respect. Why would two people get married if they did not love and respect each other? The fact is, as time passes and life becomes increasingly complicated, the marriage often suffers as a result. It is all too easy for spouses to loose touch with each other and neglect the love and romance that once came so easily. It is important that husbands and wives continue to develop love and respect for each other throughout their lives. If they do, it is highly likely that their relationship will remain happy and satisfying.
13. Satisfying sexual relation. When done as an expression of love and care, sex serves as powerful instrument of the relationship, maintaining marital fulfillment and happiness.
14. Managing conflict. Conflict in marriage is unavoidable. All marital relationships - even the best ones, will experience at least some conflict from time to time. However, many people are successful and happy in their marriages, despite the conflicts that arise. The key to their success is how they handle their conflicts and disagreements.
15. Maintain the desired relationship. Marital relationships are constantly evolving. Feelings of love may max and wane during a relationship, but trust and commitment must be constant. Successful couples don't take each other for granted but work constantly at rejuvenating their good feelings for each other. The most satisfied couples put as much thought and energy into their relationship as they put into their children or career. A couple must renew and enrich their relationship again and again.

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