Wednesday, December 4, 2013


The KAHIL-ICAMC is a coastal alliance organization consisting of the three local government units in the southern part of Negros Occidental, Philippines. The three LGUs are the City of Kabankalan, City of Himamaylan, and the Municipality of Ilog Negros Occidental. They form into an alliance due to there conflicting municipal-city waters were territorial water boundaries overlapped each other. This problem was resolved by establishing the common waters under the concept of Integrated Coastal Area Management Council (ICAMC). The three member LGUs as a council agreed upon to adopt a unified fisheries ordinance in order to manage there respective coastal and marine resources effectively by designing there respective Coastal Fisheries Resources Management Plan (CFRMP). One of the most salient features in area management in order to establish order of its resources is to zonify the coastal and marine resources for effective uses of each LGUs. (see coastal map)

The National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) have caused the official delineation of each LGU water boundaries as bases of the zoning by the individual LGUs, thus December 3 to 5, 2013 was scheduled to come up its zonal plans subject for ground validation in the respective area, and after which a local ordinances shall be passed as the legal bases in managing the resources.
The coastal zones are categorize according to: Zone 1- 50m seaward as fish fry collection area and mangrove serve or a mangrove protected areas (MPAs); Zone 2 - marine commercial fishing area and sanctuary; Zone 3 - with 10.1km seaward as fishing ground for non - commercial fishing; Zone 4 - shallow fishing area; Zone 5 - Municipal deep sea area; Zone 6 - eco-tourism zones; Zone 7 - areas for shellfishes; Zone 8- outside shoreline for mussel fish culture; Zone 9 - Oyster culture beds; Zone 10 - ducking and birthing area.

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