Saturday, July 29, 2017

NELFI Region 6 Credit Cooperative

The Election Committee shall observed and implement the following rules and procedures in the conduct of election as follows:
1. Publish the notice of election two weeks prior to the date of election in the strategic places in the area of operation of the cooperative stating the following information such as;
         a. Vacant positions of the Board Of Directors and Officers which require the voting power of the
                General Assembly.
         b. Conduct validation screening and evaluation of applicants who seek an elective positions as
               prescribe in the By-Laws of the cooperative.
         c. Approve and issue Certificate Of Candidacy to qualified applicanta.
2. Election shall be done during the regular and or special general assembly meeting.
3. Election shall be done in secret balloting. The preparation of election paraphenalia required in the election
        shall be made available two days prior to the time of election such as the following;
        a. Ballot boxes, pencils, indelible ink
        b. Official ballots
        c. Official lists of names of elective persons who qualified for the election.
        d. Other supplies and materials
4. Conduct, supervise the orderly and peaceful elections.
5. Sees to it that election returns are secured properly and protected.
6. Attend to the election protest promptly prior, during and after the election.
7. Proclaimation of the final election results.

1. Filing of Certificate of Candidacy. Any regular member can file his or her Certificate of Candidacy in
     accordance to this guidelines set forth as follows;
     a. Have paid the membership fee and subscribed the minimum required share capital as regular member
         approved by the Board Of Directors.
     b. Completed the required Pre-Membership Registration Semenar and the contineuing education
         program as required in the Constitution and By-Laws and as prescribed by the BODs.
    c. Have patronized the business and services of the cooperative
    d. Attended the cooperative meeting regularly and participated actively in all cooperative activities.
    e.  Not delinquent in the payment of his or her accounts or financial abligations with the cooperative.
    f.  Not violated any provision of cooperative Laws, CDA administrative issuances, Articles of
          cooperation, and this By-Laws, the terms and conditions of the subscription agreement, and the
         decisions, guidelines, rules and regulations promulgated by the BOD and the General Asembly.
   g. No administrative, civil, or criminal case on file, offense and or conviction.
   h. Must have complied the requirement in the principle of member-in-good- standing or (MIGS).
   i. For BOD applicants, must have completed the required mandatory trainings for cooperative officers.
2. Filing of Certificate Of Candidacy
   a. Fill up the application form for the COC and duly notarized.
   b. Attachment of the photo copy of the Coop Certificate of Shares of Stock and Coop trainings attended
3. Candidate with Approved COC
   a. The cnadidate who have the approved COC can or may ear out his or her proposed program for the
        improvement of the cooperative for a period of seven days prior to the election time in the following
          1. One-on-one campaign
          2. Organized campaigning
          3. Use of posters and stickers ( the dimension shall be prescribed by the elecom.)
          4. thru electronic means
   b. any candidate who did any fraudulent act during the campaign period shall be the ground for disqualification of his or her candidacy. and as such he or she is not allowed to file his or her COC in the future elections in the cooperative. 

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