Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Comprehensive examination - MPA, MBA, and MAED

Answer questions comprehensively in a minimum of 150 words each question.
1. Organizational Development
     a. what is organizational development and how does it affecting the performance of the organization?
     b.How is an organization formed? Give your reactions to the statement "Organization needs people,
         and people needs an organization" explain
     c. State your examples of Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives and Strategies.
     d. Differentiate functional organization from Organizational chart. How does it helps in decision making?
     e. What is effective communication and how does it affects the efficiency of the organization?

2. Project Planning and Development
     a. Why is project planning considered as the building block of development?
     b.Illustrate and discuss the frame work of a project development cycle.
     c.How are viable projects be identified? Discuss the means of project identification.
     d. Illustrate the project Evaluation and Review Technique - Critical Path Method.
     e. Discuss the feasibility criteria of a project in terms of 1. Economic feasibility, 2.Technical feasibility,
          3.Profitability, 4. political feasibility, and 5. environmental feasibility.
3. socio- Economic Development
    a. Why do you think that the government is the most potent institution in solving social problems?
    b. How do you compare the Filipinos ability to legislate and their ability to enforce laws? How do you
         narrow down the gap between theory and practice in this issue?
    c. React on this statement; "Prostitutes know the dangers of AIDs inherent in their profession, but they
         say they would rather die of it than die of hunger and starvation."
    d. Discuss the possible effects of the Asian Integration to our socio-economic situationcomes its full gear.
    e.What measures to mitigate the social problems as partner in economic development?
    f. Rich families who can afford more mouths to feed are usually having fewer children, while poor families
       who have no means to feed more mouths are in reality those having more children. what are the reasons
       of such irony?
   g. There is a perception that goes like this, "Government officials come and go and yet graft and curruption
       never disappear? Why?

1 comment:

  1. Sir;
    Good day!
    is this our final exam in HBO?

    -HBO Student
