Monday, April 22, 2013

Thirsty Of Water- Springs are Drying Out

You are invited to view this video so that you may know why fresh water is running out? learn from it and do something seriously now. Don't wait for tomorrow of what you can do today, act it now.
The sources of fresh water came from the underground or water table brought out by the pressure of the earth into springs. However, it follows with the principle of the cycle of water. The vegetative earth's cover such as the rain forests, shrubs and other flora species served as sponge that absorb and hold-on rain water that supplies the underground water thru percullation and leching.
The Philippine Initiatives (Western Visayas Region 6)
In Region 6, the Community Based Forest and Mangrove Management Project (CBFMMP) aims to rehabilitate and protect over 5,000 hectares of forestland in partnership with local communities that will participate in managing the forest. The communities will share in the benefits produced by this land, helping them to improve their living conditions.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

City Agriculture Participate in the City Employees Got Talent (August 2, 2011)

During the 14th charter anniversary of the City of Kabankalan, Negros Occidental, Philippines, the challenge was given by the program committee that every department of the Local Government Unit the City of Kabankalan should participate in the contest of the "Got Talent" program. The City Agriculturist Dr. Nemesio Canete being a leader/head of the department organized his men to form a dance team and join dancing with the showdown team at 60 years old with 17 dance members. The trainer was hired for two weeks prior to the date of the presentation. The group member's age is ranging from 26 to 60 years old which made it more

Friday, April 19, 2013

Do You Believe In Marriage?

Marriage is the lifelong partnership of a man and a woman - two different individuals who are bound to understand, respect, love, and care fro each other. It is an active relationship in which both partners grow and develop their best qualities as human beings.
Most people start out full of hopes and dreams and are fully committed to making their marriage work. Yet as the reality of living with a less than perfect spouse sets in and the pressure of life builds, many individuals feel less romantic and do not find as much satisfaction in their relationships. All marriages change over time. But with hard work and dedication, people can keep their marriages strong and enjoyable. How is it done? What does it take to create a long-lasting, satisfying marriage?

Parenting the Teenager

Adolescent is a time when teenager want more freedom to "spread their wings." Every parent at this point is confronted with issues as peer pressure, alcohol, smoking, drug use, dating, and pre-marital sex.
During adolescence, teens experience rapid physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. They go through a lot of changes and development. Understanding their development stages and their traits can help parents support them in developing into independent and responsible adults.

Coastal Biodiversity in the East Asian Seas

The East Asian region is teeming with marine biodiversity. The greatest density of mangroves and coasts are in the region along with a multitude of species of seagrass, fish, and other plants and animals, some of them are endemic to the region.
The important role of the region's rich biodiversity to economic prosperity, employment and food security in discussed in great detail in this issue of Tropical Coasts.The region's coastal and marine environments fill a substantial percentage of the world's demand for food, while economic opportunities afforded by coastal and marine environments provide livelihood to more than a billion people in the region living with in 100km of the coast.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Oryza sativa, Linn.(Brown Rice)

What is Brown Rice? Brown Rice is a whole grain cereal produced by removing only the hull or husk using mortar-and pestle or rubber roller (dehuller) milling machine. It is known as brown, unpolished rice. The bran layer that is not removed gives the grain its brown color and retains its high levels of soluble fiber, antioxidants, and other vitamins and minerals. When the bran is removed, it becomes well-milled or white rice.
Nutritional and Health Aspects. Brown rice is considered to be a lost health food. The past decade has been a boost in brown rice research revealing more of its nutritional characteristics and reviving interest in promoting it as main staple. Accordingly, brown rice is superior to milled rice in terms of protein, fat, B vitamins, dietary fiber, vitamin E, minerals, and antioxidants.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bridging Science, policy and actions to address climate change

The available options to address climate change are: mitigation to reduce further emissions and rehabilitate ecosystems; adaptation to reduce the damage  caused by warming and increase resiliency in the face of related hazardous events; and geoengineering or climate engineering to reverse global warming (e.g.ocean iron fertilization). Within this options are tools ranging from science-based (modelling, monitoring, vulnerability mapping, comprehensive risk assessment, economic valuation, etc.) to community based (information, education, communication or IEC campaign, participatory planning, risk communication, livelihood programs, etc.). Capacity development, knowledge management, technology exchange, and financing are also necessary to equip coastal communities to implement adaptation measures and implement and monitor appropriate mitigation measures.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Mental and Emotional Health

Parents of the 21st century often worry that a lot of old-fashioned convictions are lost and they are uncertain of the kind of morals, ambitions, and character the children will be having and the kind of world that awaits them as adults. Healthy mental and emotional development of children is an important goal of parenting. Parents should note that it is the first two to three years of life that children's personalities are being most actively molded by the attitudes of the parents or of the others who provided most the care of the baby. A baby who is cared for mainly by loving, enthusiastic parents, perhaps with the help of others, surges ahead. Parents should give their children their visible love, pride, and joy, even in tiny accomplishments, to foster emotional depth and keen intelligence.

Responsible Parenting

Responsible parenting is important for today's parents, parents-to-be, surrogate parents and youths who may soon become parents themselves. Being a parent covers with it great responsibility. It is a role that cannot be played on the basis of chance.Raising a family builds up the character of the parents and fulfill their need to have children and develop their love for them and to share and plan life together. Parenting involves skills, responsibilities, and experiences in attending to and providing for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of children. It also involves the inculcation of values and discipline. Many parents do not know how they score in the Parenting Scale. While specific techniques for child-raising will come, go, and change, there are certain core values and fundamental practices that won't change.Parenting brings many tensions, strains, and wear-and-tear but we must have the right heart-attitude toward our role as parents. We have to be wise and Godly parents, carrying the duty and responsibility before God, because parenting is an overwhelming, life-consuming, life-long priority. Nothing is more humbling than being a parent. It must encompass all aspects meeting the emotional, psychological, material and physical needs of the children. Good parenting does not come overnight. It is a long and fruitful process.